Batisseur: The End?

Blog post by jrabbit on Thu, 2011-09-08 17:11

GSOC 2011 is over and I’ve had some time to cool off from last minute stress. A few awesome tools for haikuporter will be coming soon. I’m going to work on rounding off those tools. The builddrone project somewhat works but is not of a very high quality. The queen needs love with respect to databases and or data structure. I may revisit it later, but I’d love for someone with relevant experience to implement something better. Jenkins reporting and distributed uploading may make it into haikuporter along with gpg signing (According to GPG availability, last time I checked gpg doesn’t work on Haiku.). There are a few interesting peices of code I may cut off into packages for others to easily depend on (Bitbucket and Github commit post parsing anyone?)

This whole process was a real experience for me on working with long term projects that will come in handy with a college program focusing heavily on student-designed work. My Haiku related work isn’t over and I’m still excited to make packaging fun and easy. One project in the back of my head is an interface layer for PyPI packages, Rubygems and CPAN, to be used by package managers so they don’t duplicate work. Basically what that amounts to is processing their packages into a portable format.

Camlistore and Go on Haiku will be very interesting to see. I may be able to help with Google Code In this fall also. My schedule seems to be flexible enough to allow it. The Python BeAPI interface will be amazing to work with.