DC-2011 - International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications

"Metadata is an increasingly central tool in the current web environment, enabling large-scale, distributed management of resources. Recent years has seen a growth in interaction between previously relatively isolated metadata communities, driven by the need for cross-domain collaboration and exchange. However, metadata standards have not been able to meet the needs of interoperability between independent standardization communities. For this reason the notion of metadata harmonization, defined as interoperability of combinations of metadata specifications, has arisen as a core issue for the future of web-based metadata." Resting at the heart of application profiles, metadata harmonization presents a little understood, but critical challenge in design of languages of description. DC-2011 will explore the conceptual and practical issues of design when the language solution calls for cross-fertilization from different metadata specifications.

Event Dates: 
2011-09-21 - 2011-09-23


The National Library of the Netherlands
Prins Willem-Alexanderhof 5
The Hague 2595 BE
Haiku Team Contact: 
Haiku Team Members: 
Planned Activities: 

presentation of a paper "Universal File System Extended Attributes Namespace", talking about (extended) attribute interoperability, citing Haiku as test target.