GSOC 2011: Final Milestone Report

Hello all, GSOC 2011 is over, and the SDL 1.3 for Haiku is over- for now. I intend to continue working on the project, although I probably won’t start again for a while, as the recent errors have been frustrating and I need to relax a bit. The almost-most-recent-version is available at; I had some problems with my computer and haven’t been able to upload the most recent version yet, which just has some changes to which functions are static and which aren’t.

GSOC 2011: Three-Quarter Term Milestone Report

Blog post by antifinidictor on Fri, 2011-08-05 21:17

So far SDL 1.3 for Haiku has made significant progress. Video draws correctly both with and without opengl, audio appears to already work, and various tests provided in the SDL test suite seem to work. However, there are a few significant bugs I have come across. The first error occurs when resizing the window. The application occasionally receives the illegal operation signal or a SEGFAULT. The illegal signal operations occurred when blitting from the backbuffer I allocated to the screenbuffer provided by BDirectWindow’s DirectConnected() function.

GSOC 2011: Midterm Milestone Report

Blog post by antifinidictor on Fri, 2011-07-15 02:56

So far: SDL 1.3 officially compiles. Whether it works is another story. I’ve created 7 patches so far, four of which were created in logical pairs, one of which was completely useless. The 7th patch (SDL-1-3_patch06.diff) was sent out to the haiku-gsoc mailing list today, and should allow the code to compile. Note that not all functionality is implemented in the video code. I’ve also started working on creating a Google code project to host my repository; this will make it easier to follow my progress if I succeed.

GSOC 2011: Quarter-term Milestone Report

Blog post by antifinidictor on Tue, 2011-06-14 22:49

As anticipated, I was able to do little more than set up my environment during the first stretch of GSOC and the last few weeks of school and my previous internship. I was able to find computer with a compatible network and graphics card, which should hopefully be faster than running Haiku on a virtual machine on my normal computer. I also successfully installed haikuporter, although I am having some trouble using it.

GSoC 2011: May 23 (end of community bonding period) Milestone Report

Blog post by antifinidictor on Mon, 2011-05-23 08:11

During Community Bonding period, I began the process of setting up my Haiku working environment. Initially I attempted to install Haiku on my machine using VirtualBox; while this ran successfully, I could not access the internet or USB devices from my virtual machine (and hence could load the SDL libraries into Haiku). I have since created a Haiku-USB drive which also loads, although my graphics hardware breaks down if I do not run Haiku in safe mode, and Haiku still does not recognize my ethernet connection.

GSoC: Haiku 2011- SDL Revamp

Blog post by antifinidictor on Mon, 2011-05-02 06:11

This summer, I will be delving into the Haiku implementation of SDL 1.2 and updating it to support SDL 1.3. Since the SDL 1.2 implementation had a number of bugs associated with it, it may be necessary to completely rewrite the implementation. I currently hold an internship that ends with Spring Quarter in early June. My time up until June 10 will therefore be extremely limited, but I will do my best to make time to work on Haiku.