[GSoC 2022] Ham: Final Report

Blog post by dominicm on Sat, 2022-09-10 10:42

Hello everyone. Thank you for having me the past few months; it’s been a busy, fun ride. This is the final report for Ham, a replacement to the Jam build system. I’d like to thank Stephan Aßmus for taking the time to mentor me, and the rest of the Haiku community for being responsive and receptive to Ham’s development. You can find the Ham repo on Github, as well as a project board for current issues.

[GSoC 2022] Ham: Status Update

Blog post by Dominic Martinez on Thu, 2022-07-21 09:02

Hello everyone. This is a brief update on the Ham project - a drop in replacement for the Jam build system. For those more curious about the technical details, there will be a larger blog post on Ham’s action modifier implementation coming soon. What’s been done so far? The majority of the work has been in implementing Jam language features. Today, Ham hit a major milestone by supporting all of Jam’s action modifiers (updated, together, quietly, piecemeal, ignore, and existing).

[GSoC 2022] Ham: A Jam Replacement

Blog post by Dominic Martinez on Wed, 2022-05-25 05:13

Introduction Hello everyone! I’m Dominic Martinez, a current rising junior at Duke University, USA. Being a personal victim of build system trauma (looking at you web-dev), I’ve become increasingly fascinated (and frustrated) by build system design, and have been waiting for the chance to build one myself. As such, I’m excited to have been selected to work on Ham - a replacement for the Jam build system - alongside my mentor Stephan Aßmus.