GSoC 2021 Final Report: Modernizing Chat-O-Matic (Caya)

Blog post by JadedCtrl on Thu, 2021-08-19 22:02

GSoC’s coming to an end, so it’s time for a final update: An overview of what I’ve been working on this summer. Project My project was to “modernize” and write a libpurple add-on for Caya, a multi-protocol chat program. Ultimately, I hard-forked Caya into Chat-O-Matic at the request of a previous maintainer― with the name being suggested by win8linux. :-) “Modernization” here means three things: Allowing multiple accounts in use at once, re-orienting the program to support multi-user chats, and giving add-ons some more flexibility.

GSoC 2021 Progress Update 2: Modernizing Cardie (Caya)

Blog post by JadedCtrl on Fri, 2021-07-09 11:58

Looks like it’s time for me to clutter the blog again! To start: Since the last update, Caya has been hard-forked and renamed to “Cardie” (short for “cardinal”), which at least fits the “bird theme” of libpurple clients. … And the name’s fitting, since it’s now a fairly functional libpurple client. :-) libpurple support There are a few features not implemented yet, which keeps it behind the XMPP add-on in terms of functionality, but the core is there: Configuring and managing accounts for any protocol, joining/creating/leaving rooms, chatting, sending/receiving your own status, room invitations, managing roster, purple-side chat commands, etc.

GSoC 2021 Progress Update 1: Modernizing Caya

Blog post by JadedCtrl on Mon, 2021-06-07 09:19

It’s the end of the first GSoC period, so it’s about time I clutter the blog again! A good few changes have been made to Caya― most obviously support for multi-user rooms and some UI changes. Multi-protocol add-ons are now supported, the program is oriented around “Conversations” rather than “Contacts,” basic moderation (kicking, banning, muting) works, etc. The protocol API’s expanded because of these general changes, and I don’t think it could be called “stable” for another couple weeks at least― I still need to document it, and some of the new additions might still be consolidated into others.

GSoC 2021 Project: Modernizing Caya

Blog post by JadedCtrl on Thu, 2021-05-20 09:46

Introduction Hi! I’m Jaidyn Levesque (jadedctrl on IRC and elsewhere), a 2nd year Computer Science student. I’ve been using *nixes for several years now, and just moved over to Haiku as my main OS a little over a year ago. I’m lucky enough to be a mentee this summer, and I’m excited to get started! Project My GSoC project is to modernize Caya, a multi-protocol chat program. “Modernize” here means a couple different things: General updates, multi-user chats, and libpurple support.