Batiseur: not a bed and breakfast

Blog post by jrabbit on Sun, 2011-08-07 15:14

In these last few (official) weeks of Google Summer of Code I’m focusing on the meat of my project. This means that side features like the achievements, scoreboard etc will be ‘frozen’ as-is until after GSOC. I’m planning on rounding them out, just not yet. The main work will be on the builddrone working properly and testing/signing. A major but was in the camlistore python library, I’ve fixed it and will change how it works a little.

I wrote a haikuports standalone validator which can be used in an upcoming version of haikuports possibly or just for your own amusement on a simple bepfile. (Hint you could wrap this in a git-hook and then only allow a commit if your beps pass!) On the builddrone front I fixed a bunch of assumption-related bugs that came from not testing.

BONUS: WPA derived propaganda