Programming with Haiku, Lesson 2

Blog post by darkwyrm on Thu, 2010-09-23 21:07

Lesson #2 in my new series of development tutorials continues with a fast and furious course through the rest of the Standard Template Library with some of the Standard C++ library thrown in for spice. We learn about associative STL containers like map and set and examine the C++ string class. Programming with Haiku, Lesson 2

BeGeistert 023 - Prime Time

Blog post by humdinger on Thu, 2010-09-23 13:05

On behalf of the Haiku Support Association (HSA), we'd like to invite you to our 23rd BeGeistert meeting on the weekend of 23./24. of October 2010. It will be held as usual in the nice conference rooms of the youth hostel in Düsseldorf, Germany. BeGeistert is an excellent opportunity to mingle with and learn from other users and developers from all over Europe (and beyond: this year we're happy to be joined by Rene Gollent, flying over from the US, and Christof Lutteroth and Clemens Zeidler from New Zealand!

Google Summer of Code Conclusion

Blog post by jvff on Tue, 2010-09-21 01:45

Google Summer of Code 2010 is now over. It was a wonderful experience, and I learned a lot about Haiku’s internals, about file system development, and about myself. I successfully completed my proposal to a point an initial version of the Ext3 file system is available to the Haiku kernel for testing. There are some things that remain to be completed, like sparse files, proper revoke support, multi-transaction truncation and some more thorough testing, but overall, it was successful.

Ohio LinuxFest 2010: Didn't Disappoint

Blog post by darkwyrm on Mon, 2010-09-13 12:15

This weekend was my second year at the Ohio LinuxFest at the Greater Columbus Convention Center in downtown Columbus, OH. I arrived at the convention center at about 7:15am. Unlike last year, there was hardly anyone there outside of the OLF staff doing checkin and a few vendors. Joe Prostko was already there, having stayed at a hotel nearby the night before. It was good to see him again. We started talked for a bit and then started getting the table set up.

A New Series of Lessons: Programming with Haiku

Blog post by darkwyrm on Wed, 2010-09-08 01:21

Since I started publishing my Learning to Program with Haiku lesson series back in January, I have, on many occasions, seen comments asking for lessons aimed at current codemonkeys who want to break into development for Haiku. Here begins a new series of programming lessons aimed at people who already have a basic grasp on C++: Programming with Haiku. The direction of the series is pretty straightforward. First, we’ll be spending some time (i.

Haiku Down Under 2010 Report

Blog post by sikosis on Sat, 2010-08-28 15:25

Haiku Down Under 2010It was a fine, sunny morning in Brisbane, Australia: home of the Third Annual Haiku Down Under Virtual Conference for Haiku Users and Developers. Virtual in the respect that the event was streamed live over the Internet via the uStream service. We accept (and regret) that this service requires Flash, so you can’t use Haiku to view this event, you must use another OS like Windows, Mac or Linux.

This year, HDU (short for Haiku Down Under; not slang for How Dare yoU) were able to book a conference venue at The University of Queensland with projector, white board and limited seating where myself, Sikosis was joined by BeMark and Mojodale.

Services Kit features overview

Blog post by shisui on Thu, 2010-08-19 09:45

The coding period of the Google Summer of Code is now over since this Monday, and it's time to give to the Haiku Community a debrief of what has been done on my initial project, what has been modified, and what remains to do.

Ext3 Journal Implementation

Blog post by jvff on Thu, 2010-08-05 00:49

The fundamental parts of the journal code are finished. Although they still need more testing, and they can change as more of the Ext3 code is written, they are ready for supporting the first steps in write support for ext2 and ext3 volumes. This blog post explains the code, and how it is organized to handle ext2 and ext3 volumes.


Blog post by mmadia on Mon, 2010-08-02 01:19

Over the next few weeks, I'll be trying to document some tangible non-C/C++ tasks. They'll usually be things that I've wanted to do or have been meaning to do, but for whatever reason haven't gotten around to doing them.

For each task, there'll a description of what it is, how it helps the project, and hopefully some information to help you get started.

Network Stack Update

Blog post by axeld on Tue, 2010-07-27 10:20

First of all, thank a lot for your generous donations! It was really stunning to see how much money could be raised in such a short time. And since it’s been some time since my last commit, I thought it would be a good idea to report what I’m currently up to. But first, let’s have a look at what I did last week for the most part: I started to fix some annoying bugs in the FreeBSD compatibility layer.