Haiku Admin Meeting Summary - May 21, 2007

Blog post by umccullough on Wed, 2007-05-23 21:00

Haiku Admin Meeting 2007-05-21:

  • Admins discussed OpenBFS Team broadening - it has currently been renamed to File System Team and should probably include all file system-related aspects of Haiku.
  • There was some further discussion about other OSS projects and their similar struggles with "Openness" - Mozilla's recent scrutiny was cited as an example.
  • There was a request for any final comments on the list of non-dev/non-admin tasks posted on the Admin mailing list.
  • It was discussed that the Admin mailing list needs to be relocated - and preferably self-hosted on the Haiku-os.org server.
  • It was mentioned that once the current T-shirt supply is exhausted, they will be looking for a new store/shop to create the next round of T-shirts (and possibly other merchandise). The hunt is on for high-quality shops cheaper than Cafepress - with the company that Mozilla currently uses as a possible prospect.
  • The Admins discussed adopting a new method for managing meeting agendas in the future.
That wraps it up for the May 21, 2007 meeting.
I would like to remind readers that any official discussion about the decisions made by the Haiku Admins should be directed to the General Mailing List. Any mistakes in this summary may be posted in the comments if desired or you may use my contact page.