Haiku Activity & Contract Report: January 2022

Blog post by waddlesplash on Sat, 2022-02-05 22:00

For a bit of a change this month, the usual Activity Report is hereby combined with my Contract Report. (Thanks to PulkoMandy for all his hard work writing the activity reports most other months, and for all the work he put into this one before turning it over to me for its completion. Now I get to write about myself in the third person!)

This report covers hrev55769 to hrev55835.

Haiku Contract Report: December 2021

Blog post by waddlesplash on Mon, 2022-01-10 18:00

For the first time, most of the work I did as part of this contract was not in the month’s activity report aside from a passing reference, as nearly all of it took place outside the main Haiku source tree. So, here I detail it; and thanks once again to the generous donations of readers like you (thank you!).

Haiku Contract Report: November 2021

Blog post by waddlesplash on Thu, 2021-12-09 21:00

PulkoMandy has already written the activity report for this month, so now I am once again left to detail the work I have been doing thanks to the generous donations of readers like you (thank you!).

Haiku Contract Report: October 2021

Blog post by waddlesplash on Thu, 2021-11-04 21:00

Just like last month, while we already had an activity report, the work I have been doing thanks to the generous donations of readers like you (thank you!) deserves its own report.

Haiku Contract Report: September 2021

Blog post by waddlesplash on Sat, 2021-10-02 19:14

We already had an activity report for this month … but as I am now working on Haiku full-time thanks to the generous donations of readers like you (thank you!), a second report is in order, containing more detail on what (and some of the ‘why’) I worked on that the activity report merely summarizes.

Haiku Activity Report: Performance Edition

Blog post by waddlesplash on Sun, 2019-08-04 23:00

Welcome to the monthly report for July 2019! Most of the more interesting changes this month have been from myself in the way of performance optimizations, so I’m writing the progress report this month so I can talk about those in some detail. This report covers hrev53238-hrev53337 (158 commits.) Optimizations! Now that Haiku has entered the beta phase, and after the work over the past year or so spent fixing the majority of known kernel crashes and other general instabilities, it is high time we start paying more attention to the whole system’s performance.

Haiku monthly activity report, May 2019

Blog post by waddlesplash on Sat, 2019-06-08 13:00

Welcome to the monthly report for May 2019! PulkoMandy is once again busier than usual, so I’m filling in. This report covers hrev53094-hrev53174 (120 commits.) Applications & Libraries korli changed how runtime_loader handles weak symbols to be more in line with the behavior of other operating systems. waddlesplash tweaked “strace” to print syscall names plainly, i.e. without the prefixed “kern”. mmu_man committed changes to allow loading the BControlLook from an add-on, and added a setting to the Appearance preferences for it.

Most long-standing XHCI (USB 3.0+) issues resolved!

Blog post by waddlesplash on Fri, 2019-03-08 23:00

Last month, I sat down and decided to at the very least attempt to fix our XHCI (USB 3 host controller) bus driver. Issues with it have been the most significant problem users have been facing, as most hardware made post-2012 has an XHCI chip as the system’s primary USB chip, and most hardware made post-2014 (or so) has exclusively an XHCI chip and no EHCI (USB 2.0) or prior chipsets (which we do support very well.

Haiku monthly activity report, January 2019

Blog post by waddlesplash on Fri, 2019-02-01 19:00

Welcome to the second monthly report for 2019! PulkoMandy and a few others are representing Haiku at FOSDEM, so, I’m covering for him yet again. (Hooray, more writing about myself in the third person!) This report covers hrev52707-hrev52827 (213 commits.) Applications & Libraries jackburton patched Terminal to use a float when computing font widths. This fixes the use of non-fixed-width fonts in at least some scenarios, though there are others unsolved as of yet.

Haiku monthly activity report, September/October 2018

Blog post by waddlesplash on Wed, 2018-10-31 21:04

Welcome to the tenth monthly report for 2018! PulkoMandy is busy packing and then travelling to BeGeistert, and most of the work these past two months was done by myself anyway, so, I’m covering for him once again. (Writing about yourself in the third person is fun!) This report covers hrev52310-hrev52462 (~250 commits.) R1/beta1! As you’ve probably already seen, heard, felt, … etc., Haiku R1/beta1 was released at the end of last month!