'Packaging Infrastructure' Contract Weekly Report #3

Blog post by waddlesplash on Fri, 2015-06-19 18:48

Hello again!

As mentioned in last week's report, I planned to work on integration with IRC to allow the developers to get real-time updates on what the builder was doing, finishing the documentation, and then working on the logic that actually builds packages. The first two of the three are pretty much done, and the last one I did get started on. So this week went pretty well.

'Packaging Infrastructure' Contract Weekly Report #2

Blog post by waddlesplash on Fri, 2015-06-12 18:04

Hello, Haikuvians!

This week was just as productive as last week. I did start on the builds logic, which now can run "builds" (lists of commands) in sequential order. I also improved the builder management system, and created documentation for pretty much everything.

'Packaging Infrastructure' Contract Weekly Report #1

Blog post by waddlesplash on Fri, 2015-06-05 17:52

Hello world!

This week was rather slow: I've logged only 18 hours of contract time this week. I expected this, partly because I didn't expect to do any work on Monday (as mentioned in my first blog post) and partly because I still had some coursework to finish up the semester with. But despite that, I got a ton of stuff done, and the foundations for the following weeks' work are well laid.

Beginning of 'Packaging Infrastructure' Contract

Blog post by waddlesplash on Mon, 2015-06-01 13:14

Anyone following the "haiku-inc" ML will have noticed that I've been approved to spend 240 hours (around 6 weeks of full-time work) on Haiku's packaging infrastructure. This mostly means I'll be working on the package building system, which will manage the "HaikuPorts" package repository, ensuring it's up-to-date across architectures (and later, across both nightly & release builds).

Tracker-Layout has landed!

Blog post by waddlesplash on Tue, 2015-01-27 22:00

tracker_layout — the (semi)famous branch that rewrites Tracker to use the Layout Kit — has been merged.