Query Functions

Normally, when you want to perform a file system query, you would use the BQuery class, which is a nice, clean, object-oriented way to do it. If you have an aversion to object-oriented programming, however, or you're writing a simple C program and would rather use C functions instead, then you've come to the right place.

Be aware that, currently, you can't perform "live" queries at the C level. If you want a live query, you have to use a BQuery object.

Opening, Reading, and Closing a Query

To begin a query, you call fs_open_query(). fs_open_query() performs a "one-shot" query: It lets you ask for all the files that fulfill certain criteria right now. This criteria is expressed as a "predicate" string. This is a formula that lists the attribute values that you're interested in. A simple predicate takes the form

attribute op value

For example, you can look for files that are larger than 5K by supplying a string that looks like this:

"size > 5000"

Simple predicates can be grouped and combined to create more complex predicates. Here we look for files named "fido" that are greater than 5K:

"(name = fido) && (size > 5000)"

For a full description of the predicate format, see "The Predicate, Attributes, and Indices" in the BQuery class description, but be aware of this difference:

Once the query has been opened, you can step through the files that fulfill the predicate through iterated calls to fs_read_query(). When all the winning files have been visited, fs_read_query() returns NULL.

When you've finished using your query, you must close it by using the fs_close_query() function.

An Example

The following sample demonstrates very briefly how to perform a simple, non-live query. In this example, we're searching for all C header files on the device specified by devnum.

void sample_query(dev_t devnum) {
   DIR*      q;
   dirent_t* d;

   q = fs_open_query(devnum, "name=*.h", 0);
   if (q) {
      while (d = fs_read_query(q)) {

The code opens the query by calling fs_open_query(), then, calls fs_read_query() in a loop until NULL is returned. Once that happens, fs_close_query() is used to close the query.

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