Symbolic Milestones

News posted on Sun, 2007-01-28 22:58

Some will argue that these were just meaningless numbers, nevertheless we have reached significant milestones today: 1000th bug entry, and even better, 20000th subversion change. Recent subversion changes include many bug fixes and several additions in the file system area.

Several file system add-ons were ported from BeOS (Haiku has a different VFS interface):

  • NTFS, using a GPLed libntfs, should even handle writing if you don't mind some risk of losing data.
  • NFSv2, from an add-on once published on BeBits, should allow using files from Unix servers and maybe someday be used for network booting along with PXE.
  • GoogleFS, a tech demo showing how queries can be handed over to Google.

In other additions, Marcus Overhagen finished implementing PXE support. PXE is the first step to providing network boot support. The kernel still needs to be programmed to mount the boot volume from the network.