Documentation Team Started and Seeks Help

News posted on Wed, 2007-04-18 17:30

With the release of the BeBook under the Creative Commons license, ACCESS Co. Ltd enables us to provide the potential developers of today with all the documentation of the BeOS API. But to ensure that API documentation will be available and up to date for the future generations of developers, the Haiku project announces a structured effort on the writing of the Haiku API documentation from scratch. The documentation team is small and young and any help would be very much appreciated.

JMicron Supports SATA Implementation in Haiku (updated)

News posted on Sat, 2007-04-14 09:25

Note: JMicron monitors user comments and encourages all Haiku supporters to post their comments at the Haiku Website, instead of mailing them directly. Thanks for your support! We are pleased to announce that JMicron Technology Corporation has offered to give our project support in the implementation of SATA technology for Haiku. JMicron has pledged to support the development effort by providing the required technical documentation as well as hardware for testing.

It's Official: Eight Students to Code for Haiku at GSoC 2007

News posted on Thu, 2007-04-12 02:10

Google has given their final word, and we are now pleased to announce that Haiku has been assigned 8 student slots for the Google Summer of Code 2007, which is one more than we had initially hoped for. Here is a list of the accepted applications, also as a way of introduction of the eight students that were selected from a total of 42 applications. Update: Added usernames and linked to user's page.

Google Summer of Code 2007: Update

News posted on Sun, 2007-04-08 11:00

Playing an MP3 over NFS on HaikuPlaying an MP3 over NFS on Haiku

Yesterday, Google has assigned 7 preliminary student slots to us, which is as many as we wanted to have. Haiku would like thank all the students that have applied for projects and those that have assisted in this step of the program. Overall, we received 42 student applications. In the next days we will finalize the list of accepted student projects for Haiku.

Haiku Lecture at FISL 8.0 FOSS Conference in Brazil

News posted on Sat, 2007-04-07 21:59

Haiku developer and Google engineer Bruno G. Albuquerque is scheduled to give a lecture about Haiku at the upcoming 8th International Free Software Forum (FISL 8.0), to be held in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, on April 12th, 13th and 14th. This lecture, one of the six presentations given by Google at this event, will cover general aspects of Haiku and will include a hands-on demonstration as well. Title: Introducing Haiku Presenter: Bruno G.

ACCESS Co. Releases BeBook and Be Newsletters

News posted on Tue, 2007-04-03 17:00

We are very pleased to announce that ACCESS Co. Ltd., the current holders of the BeOS intellectual property, has responded positively to our request for permission to reproduce the BeBook and all the Be Newsletters. As a result, we will be able to release these BeOS legacy documents under a Creative Commons license. "ACCESS is very pleased to be able to support the Haiku project by making these documents more widely available to interested developers,"

Extended Deadline for GSoC 2007 Applications (Updated)

News posted on Sat, 2007-03-24 05:00

Google has extended the student application deadline for Google Summer of Code 2007 to 12:00 AM UTC on March 27, 2007. Students that are still interested in working on a project for Haiku are urged to finish their application and get it in by the new deadline.

Google Summer of Code 2007: We Are In!

News posted on Thu, 2007-03-15 11:37

We are pleased and at the same time thrilled to inform the community that Google has accepted our application to become a mentor organization for the Google Summer of Code 2007. Yes, we have made it! Students now have until March 24 to apply for any of our project ideas from the GSoC Web App for Student Applicants. If you are a student and are interested in working on one of our project ideas, please check out our List of GSoC Ideas and Students: How to Apply pages for detailed information.

Haiku to be Presented at Numerica

News posted on Tue, 2007-03-06 13:50

Long time Haiku developer François Revol (a.k.a. mmu_man) is scheduled to give a Haiku presentation at the first Numerica Art Party, an event sponsored by A.D.A.N., the French Association for the Development of Digital Art. Numerica #01 will be taking place from March 9th through the 11th in Montbeliard, France. The Haiku Conference by François is scheduled for Saturday March 10h, from 7:00pm to 8:00pm (GMT+01:00), and will be broadcast live on the web TV Stay tuned!

For more information regarding registration, remote entries, competitions, and timetable, please visit the Numerica website.

Google Summer of Code 2007 Drive

News posted on Sat, 2007-03-03 08:32

The application period for the Google Summer of Code 2007 is close, and as Haiku prepares to submit its application to attempt becoming a mentor organization, we are initiating a drive with the goal engaging the Haiku community at large. We will be submitting our application on March 5th or 6th, and expect to know whether our application has been accepted on March 14th, the day that Google is scheduled to announce the accepted mentoring organizations on code.