
Derived From:
Mix-in Classes:
Declared In:midi/Synth.h
Class Overview

Constructor and Destructor


BSynth(); BSynth(synth_mode mode);

Creates and initiailzes a new BSynth object and sets be_synth to point to it. The BSynth that be_synth currently points to (if any) is deleted. You can only construct one BSynth object per application. Every application that wants to use the synthesizer must have its own BSynth—you can't "share" another application's be_synth object. The constructors for the other synthesis classes (BMidiSynth, BMidiSynthFile, and BSamples) create a BSynth for you if one doesn't already exist.

The default constructor sets the following synthesis parameters, shown here with the functions that you can use to reset the values—and that you should refer to for further explanation:

Output sampling rate22 kHzSetSamplingRate()
Sample interpolationB_LINEAR_INTERPOLATIONSetInterpolation()
Max synth voices28SetVoiceLimits()
Max sample voices4SetVoiceLimits()
Limiter threshhold7SetVoiceLimits()
Reverb enabledtrueEnableReverb()
Synth modeB_SYNTH_NONELoadSynthData()

You must call LoadSynthData() after calling the default constructor to set the synth mode.

The synth_mode constructor sets the synthesis parameters (as above) and then sets the synth mode to the argument, one of B_BIG_SYNTH, B_LITTLE_SYNTH, or B_SAMPLES_ONLY. See LoadSynthData() for synth_mode definitions.


virtual ~BSynth();

The destructor stops the synthesizer if it's currently playing anything, frees all synthesis-related storage that the BSynth object allocated, and sets be_synth to point to NULL.

Member Functions


int32 CountClients() const;

Returns the number of synthesis objects (BMidiSynth and BMidiSynthFile) that are actively feeding data to the synthesizer. Note that this count does not include BSamples objects.

EnableReverb(), IsReverbEnabled(), SetReverb(), Reverb(), reverb_mode

status_t EnableReverb(bool reverb_enabled);bool IsReverbEnabled() const;status_t SetReverb(reverb_mode reverb);reverb_mode Reverb() const;
typedef enum {
} reverb_mode

EnableReverb() turns on and off be_synth's reverberator. IsReverbEnabled() returns the current reverberator-enabled state. Reverb is enabled by default.

SetReverb() sets the reverberator's strength. The constants, shown above, are listed in order of increasing "wetness." Reverb() returns the current setting. Setting the reverb mode doesn't enable the reverberator.

To turn off the reverberator, do this:

EnableReverb(false); /* Good */

…rather than:

SetReverb(B_REVERB_NONE); /* Bad */

EnableReverb() returns…

Return CodeDescription


The reverberator was successfully enabled/disabled.

Thread and port error codes.B_NO_MEMORY

Not enough memory to setup the reverberator.


int32 GetAudio(int16 left,
               int16 right,
               int32 sampleCount) const;

Returns, in left and right, the last sampleCount'th sample frames (split into left and right channels) generated by the synthesizer. Storage for the samples must be allocated by the caller. The function may return fewer samples than requested. The function returns the number of samples that were written into (each of) left and right.

This function is designed to feed waveform displays (and the like); it isn't intended to be used as a "sound spigot" that you can pipe to a file (for example).

LoadSynthData(), Unload(), SynthMode(), IsLoaded()

status_t LoadSynthData(synth_mode mode); status_t LoadSynthData(entry_ref* instrument_file);
void Unload();synth_mode SynthMode() const;bool IsLoaded() const;

LoadSynthData() tells be_synth which synth file to use (and unloads the one currently in use, if any). The first version lets you specify the synth file through a synth_mode constant:



Use the big synth file.


Use the little synth file.


Don't use a synth file, but prepare the object so it can play sampled sounds. You only use this mode if you're only going to use the BSamples object (in other words, if you're not using BMidiSynth or BMidiSynthFile).

If the synthesizer is initialized with a synth file, it will automatically know how to play BSamples data.


Currently, B_SAMPLES_ONLY doesn't work. You must use one of the other two constants (B_BIG_SYNTH or B_LITTLE_SYNTH).

The second version lets you set the synth file as an entry_ref, thus providing the opportunity to specify a custom synth file. Unfortunately, the synth file format isn't currently public, so you can't create your own synth files (yet).

LoadSynthData() doesn't actually read the instrument definitions from the synth file—in other words, it doesn't really "load" anything. The instruments are loaded as needed during a performance (as specified by a BMidiSynth[File] object). To force instruments to be read, use BMidiSynth's EnableInput() or LoadInstrument() function.

Unload() stops the synthesizer (if it's currently playing), forgets the instrument file that was used to initialize the synthesizer, and steps out of the audio output mechanism. After you call Unload(), the be_synth object is good for nothing until LoadSynthData() is called (whether directly or through a constructor).

SynthMode() returns be_synth's current synth mode, one of the three modes listed above or B_NO_SYNTH if the mode hasn't been set.

IsLoaded() returns true if be_synth has been initialized and is ready to go. Otherwise, it returns false.

LoadSynthData() returns…

Return CodeDescription


be_synth was successfully initialized.


Invalid argument.


Not enough memory to initialize the synthesizer.

POSIX errors

The synth file wasn't found or couldn't be opened.

Pause(), Resume()

void Pause();void Resume();

Pause() tells the synthesizer to stop producing sound. It doesn't suspend non-synthesis BMidi objects—in other words, Pause() doesn't suspend BMidiPort or BMidiStore objects.

Resume() tells the synthesizer to resume producing sound. BMidiSynthFile objects continue reading from where they were paused; BSamples objects start playing from the beginning of their sample data (they don't continue from where they were paused).

SetControllerHook(), synth_controller_hook

void SetControllerHook(int16 controller,
                       synth_controller_hook controlHook);
typedef void (*synth_controller_hook)(int16 channel, int16 controller,
int16 value)

Registers a hook function (controlHook) that's invoked whenver a MIDI control message is applied to controller. The hook function is invoked just after the control message is processed by the synthesizer. The function is passed the channel, controller number, and controller value as taken from the control message.

SetSamplingRate(), SamplingRate(), SetInterpolation(), Interpolation(), interpolation_mode

status_t SetSamplingRate(int32 rate);int32 SamplingRate() const;status_t SetInterpolation(interpolation_mode interp);interpolation_mode Interpolation() const;
typedef enum {
} interpolation_mode

SetSamplingRate() sets the frequency at which be_synth produces data, in frames (of audio data) per second. Acceptable rates are 44100, 22050, and 11025; rate is rounded to the nearest acceptable value. The default is 22050.

SamplingRate() returns the sampling rate as previously set by SetSamplingRate().

be_synth's sampling rate is independent of the DAC stream's sampling rate. For example, while the default be_synth rate is 22050, the default DAC stream rate is 44100. If the two rates don't match, be_synth's BSubscriber object "interpolates" th be_synth data before dumping it into the DAC stream. There are three interpolation schemes, which you set through SetInterpolation():



Samples are repeated or dropped. It sounds cheap because it is cheap.


Linear interpolation between adjacent samples. Much better quality, and more expensive, than drop-sample.


"Wide" linear interpolation. The best quality, but the most expensive.

Interpolation() returns the current interpolation mode setting. The default is B_LINEAR_INTERPOLATION.

SetSamplingRate() and SetInterpolation() return…

Return CodeDescription


The function was successful.


Invalid argument.

SetSynthVolume(), SetSampleVolume(), SynthVolume(), SampleVolume()

void SetSynthVolume(double scale);void SetSampleVolume(double scale);double SynthVolume() const;double SampleVolume() const;

These functions get and set the master volume scalars for MIDI synthesis and BSamples playback. The scalar is linear: A scale of 1.0 (the default) has no affect; a scale of 2.0 multiplies the output by 2.0, and so on. The scale value must be at least 0.0 (no gain).

SetVoiceLimits(), MaxSynthVoices(), MaxSampleVoices(), LimiterThreshhold()

status_t SetVoiceLimits(int16 maxSynthVoices,
                        int16 maxSampleVoices,
                        int16 limiterThreshhold);
int16 MaxSynthVoices() const;int16 MaxSampleVoices() const;int16 LimiterThreshhold() const;

The synthesizer can generate as many as 32 "voices" simultaneously, where a voice is a MIDI note or a stream of BSamples. The first two arguments tell the synthesizer to set aside some number of voice slots for MIDI synthesis and for samples, respectively; combined, the two arguments mustn't exceed 32. If you ask for too many voices during a performance, the synthesizer will (try to) kill old voices first. By default, the voices are allocated 28 for MIDI synthesis and 4 for samples.

You use the limiterThreshhold to estimate the typical voice density (number of simultaneous voices) for a performance. It must be at least 1; the default is 7. The synthesizer uses the value as an amplitude scalar:

  • When the voice density during a performance is less than (or equal to) the threshhold (n), the dynamic range is "divided" into n parts, where each voice gets one part.

  • When the voice density (m) exceeds the threshhold, the dynamic range is divided into m parts.

If you set the value too high (if there are typically fewer simultaneous voices than you estimated) the signal-to-noise ratio will suffer—you'll be dividing the dynamic range into too many (small) parts. If you set it too low and the voice density changes a lot, the balance between voices may become hard to predict and control. A change to the limiterTreshhold doesn't affect notes/samples that are currently being produced.

The other three functions return the values that you passed to SetVoiceLimits(). Note that these functions don't actually consult the synthsizer—if you pass illegal values to SetVoiceLimits(), the querying functions will return those values without complaint.

SetVoiceLimits() returns…

Return CodeDescription


The limits were successfully set.


Bad argument value; the previous settings are left unchanged.

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