
The BVolume class lets you ask questions about specific "volumes," where a volume is any independent file system. Most applications are usually only interested in "persistent" volumes, such as hard disks, floppies, or CD-ROMs, but you can also create BVolumes to virtual file systems, such as /pipe.

Here's what a BVolume knows:

Initializing a BVolume

There are two ways to initialize a BVolume:

  1. You can initialize it directly using a device ID (dev_t) that you pass to the BVolume constructor or SetTo() function. You can get a device ID from the device field of an entry_ref or node_ref structure. This method is useful if you have a file and you want to know which volume it lives on.

  2. If you want to iterate over all the mounted volumes, you can ask a BVolumeRoster object to get you the "next" volume (BVolumeRoster::GetNextVolume()). You can also ask the BVolumeRoster for the "boot" volume. This is the volume that was used to boot the computer.

Mount and Unmount

A BVolume object can't tell you directly whether the device that it represents is still mounted. If you want to ask, you can call a status_t-returning BVolume function; if the function returns B_BAD_VALUE, the device is no longer mounted.

Furthermore, you can't ask a BVolume to unmount itself. If you want to be told when devices are mounted and unmounted, you have to ask the Node Monitor to help you. Call watch_node() thus:

watch_node(NULL, B_WATCH_MOUNT, messenger);

messenger is a BMessenger object that acts as the target of subsequent mount and unmount notifications. See "The Node Monitor" section of this chapter for details.

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