Haiku SVN: Debugging and UserlandFS

Blog post by engima on Thu, 2007-04-12 12:19

Quick Updates

  • Updates to Mesa 6.5.2 and binutils 2.17
  • Consoled debugging of app server, input server and the registrar
  • CPU initialisation fixes
  • Introduction of the UserlandFS
  • Full Updates

    DarkWyrm continued his efforts in the usability area with improvements to the CD player application's visuals and consistency with respect to MediaPlayer.

    OpenGL continues to be updated with the upgrade of Mesa from 6.3 to 6.5.2; the mesa software addon should now be using this updated version. Additionally binutils-2.7 was updated in this period.The list of contributers grew this period with the well deserved addition of Andrea Anzani, with many patches in the display and user interface arena, and Troeglazov "3dEyes**" Gerasim, known for ntfs-3g port in particular.

    Ingo committed a series of changes leading up to the ability to automatically debug all the 'gui servers' in a consoled session, including the app server, input server and registrar.

    Geist worked fruitfully on the kernel and threading with a low level fix for CPU initialisation. First discovering CPU detection code running prior to thread pointers being initialised, then moving to a process of setting up 'fake threads' early in the boot process for purposes of identifying the current CPU.

    Ingo, ever the busy coder, introduced the UserlandFS module as previously widely reported. Including a ReiserFS 3.6 and parts of a RAM FS and BeOS networked FS it promises to be an excellent tool for the development and usage of filesystem drivers alike.