WalterCon Registration Now Open

News posted on Wed, 2007-07-11 14:49

Registration is finally open. Sorry about the long delay, folks. In addition to the financial setup, there have been major technical difficulties which we are working around. More details can be found at the WalterCon website, including the just-published agenda.

WalterCon 2007 Announced

News posted on Tue, 2007-07-03 15:42

The upcoming Haiku conference WalterCon 2007 has finally been announced: this year, it will be held in San Francisco, California, on August 11 and 12. As last year, we've prepared a website that hopefully contains all the information you need to decide whether or not you want to attend. The conference will feature training-oriented sessions, though the agenda has not been completed yet. Take your chance to get to know some of the people behind Haiku!

Open Sound System 4.0 is coming to Haiku

News posted on Tue, 2007-07-03 15:30

Haiku developer François Revol has done an initial port of the Open Sound System to Haiku. OSS has been open sourced by 4front Technologies recently, and powers the audio hardware of many Unix derivates. OSS features an impressive list of supported devices - the port aims to seemlessly integrate with Haiku's media subsystem, the OSS drivers will just work like any other of the currently available audio drivers. For further information, please refer to this announcement made on the OSS developer mailing list.

Audio CD File System in the Works

News posted on Wed, 2007-05-16 20:43

[img_assist|nid=1687|title=CDDA-FS running in Haiku|desc=|link=popup|align=right|width=200|height=136]

Haiku developer Axel Dörfler has started to work on a CDDA file system for playing audio CDs for Haiku. CDDA-FS allows Haiku users to view and play music tracks from mounted audio CDs as if they were WAV files. CDDA-FS also supports CD-Text which means that information like album titles, artist names, and song titles available from the CD itself will be shown as file attributes, so that they can be viewed and edited in Tracker.

While CDDA-FS is not finished yet, it can already be used to play back CD contents as you can see from the screenshot. The file system is accompanied by a small test application "cdda_text" which also runs under BeOS and prints all information CDDA-FS can retrieve from the specified CD.

Haiku Distribution Guidelines Released and Development Mailing List Created (Updated)

News posted on Tue, 2007-05-15 07:39

First of all, we now have a separate development mailing list. We actually had such a list a long time ago, but it didn't work out well. We want to try it again because quite a few development issues were discussed in private which can't be an ideal solution for an open-source project. The general mailing list will from now on be used for our community and non-development discussions.

Haiku Getting a FreeBSD Network Driver Compatibility Layer

News posted on Wed, 2007-05-09 01:33

Thanks to the work of one of the most active code contributors lately, Hugo Santos, Haiku is getting a generic FreeBSD network driver compatibility layer that will allow FreeBSD network drivers to be compiled and used in Haiku with few, if any changes. At the time of this writing, not only has Hugo committed the compatibility layer to the Haiku tree, but he has also succeeded in building two FreeBSD drivers (if_em/Intel Pro 1000 and if_le/PCNet) which are now capable of running in Haiku.

WalterCon 2007 survey

News posted on Fri, 2007-05-04 01:37

If you have any interest in attending WalterCon, our annual users group meeting, either this year or in the future, please fill out this survey to help us plan. Thanks! Survey

Haiku at Open Source Conference in Venezuela

News posted on Wed, 2007-05-02 02:57

We were pleased to hear that Haiku community member Axzel Marín Graü is scheduled to give a presentation about Haiku at the National Open Source Software Congress (CNSL 3) to be held in Sucre, Venezuela, this coming May 18th and 19th. During his presentation titled "Open Source is not only GNU/Linux. Introduction to Haiku," Axzel will give an overview of the project, talk about the progress made so far in development, and conduct a brief demo to show Haiku in action.

Documentation Team Started and Seeks Help

News posted on Wed, 2007-04-18 17:30

With the release of the BeBook under the Creative Commons license, ACCESS Co. Ltd enables us to provide the potential developers of today with all the documentation of the BeOS API. But to ensure that API documentation will be available and up to date for the future generations of developers, the Haiku project announces a structured effort on the writing of the Haiku API documentation from scratch. The documentation team is small and young and any help would be very much appreciated.

JMicron Supports SATA Implementation in Haiku (updated)

News posted on Sat, 2007-04-14 09:25

Note: JMicron monitors user comments and encourages all Haiku supporters to post their comments at the Haiku Website, instead of mailing them directly. Thanks for your support! We are pleased to announce that JMicron Technology Corporation has offered to give our project support in the implementation of SATA technology for Haiku. JMicron has pledged to support the development effort by providing the required technical documentation as well as hardware for testing.